Free Baptist Church of East Waterboro
supports the following Missionaries in their efforts
to reach people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Clicking on the missionaries photo will open their website if available.)
Biblical Ministries Worldwide - BMW
Biblical Ministries Worldwide is a mission family whose purpose is to serve the Lord and the local church by establishing reproducing churches through evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.
Christine Sears -
BMW Germany
BMW Germany

Paul and Vicki Young -
Drawing Others to Christ - South Africa
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through chalk art on the continent of Africa.
Drawing Others to Christ - South Africa
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ through chalk art on the continent of Africa.

Colby and Lesa Holmes
Gospel Missions of South America
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Country of Argentina.
Gospel Missions of South America
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Country of Argentina.
World of Life Local Church Ministries
Equipping local church leaders for an effective youth ministry by providing:
- Ministry coaches and materials to help train you or your church youth leaders.
- Organized and doctrinally sound curriculum to teach your young people.
- Materials and tools to help you and your young people develop and live biblically principled lives.
- Creative evangelistic events to help reach young people for Christ.
Eric and Lori Brown
Word of Life Local Church Ministries - Maine
Word of Life Local Church Ministries - Maine

Gregg and Lily Muir -
Spreading the gospel message to the Quechua people in the Country of Bolivia.
Spreading the gospel message to the Quechua people in the Country of Bolivia.

Alex Muir - Pioneers
Missions mobilization; Church /missions relations;
Developing/coordinating and leading teams ; and
Ministering in Bolivia South America to the Quechua
Missions mobilization; Church /missions relations;
Developing/coordinating and leading teams ; and
Ministering in Bolivia South America to the Quechua

Hector and Estefania Albino - Pioneers - Bolivia
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Quechua People in the Country of Bolivia.
Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Quechua People in the Country of Bolivia.

Ryan and Stephanie Bethel -
The Bethels work with the Lifelines outdoor ministry in the Northeast region of the U.S., ministering to students from Boston to Maine, New York to Vermont and beyond! In Lifelines, we take students whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, and on many other outdoor adventures in order to reach them with the gospel. One of Lifelines strengths is that it attracts students that would not normally attend a Christian meeting or Bible study. The trips provide numerous opportunities to share the gospel and build relationships with students. As these relationships grow, we can show students how knowing Jesus personally can transform their lives.
The Bethels work with the Lifelines outdoor ministry in the Northeast region of the U.S., ministering to students from Boston to Maine, New York to Vermont and beyond! In Lifelines, we take students whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, kayaking, and on many other outdoor adventures in order to reach them with the gospel. One of Lifelines strengths is that it attracts students that would not normally attend a Christian meeting or Bible study. The trips provide numerous opportunities to share the gospel and build relationships with students. As these relationships grow, we can show students how knowing Jesus personally can transform their lives.
Child Evangelism Fellowship
Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization that is dedicated to seeing every child reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, discipled and established in a local church. We work together with churches, schools and communities so kids are able to hear and understand how to receive Christ and grow in their faith.
CEF Line School Club
This CEF Club reaches the children of Limerick and Newfield, Maine. |
Donna Woerter - Southern Maine CEF
Donna works together with churches, schools and communities so kids are able to hear and understand how to receive Christ and grow in their faith. |

New Brunswick Bible Institute
The New Brunswick Bible Institute was incorporated with the purpose and objective of establishing a school for the training of young men and women in a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible and to meet the needs of all the various evangelical bodies for trained workers in the Maritime Provinces in particular, and home and foreign work in general.
We believe that the New Brunswick Bible Institute should ever be a school where the Word of God is taught, practiced and honoured. The school should remain…
Solid in discipline. Spiritual in outlook. Missionary in outreach. Simple in faith and practice.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Tim. 2:15)
The New Brunswick Bible Institute was incorporated with the purpose and objective of establishing a school for the training of young men and women in a thorough and practical knowledge of the Bible and to meet the needs of all the various evangelical bodies for trained workers in the Maritime Provinces in particular, and home and foreign work in general.
We believe that the New Brunswick Bible Institute should ever be a school where the Word of God is taught, practiced and honoured. The school should remain…
Solid in discipline. Spiritual in outlook. Missionary in outreach. Simple in faith and practice.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Tim. 2:15)

Russell and Lori Smith -
CSSM Newfoundland
Canadian Sunday School Ministries presents the Gospel to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ, especially children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.
CSSM Newfoundland
Canadian Sunday School Ministries presents the Gospel to those having the least opportunity to hear of Christ, especially children and youth, and we disciple believers for living and serving through His Church.

Radio Bible Class Ministries
RBC Ministries mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.
Their vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.
RBC Ministries mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.
Their vision is to see people of all nations experiencing a personal relationship with Christ, growing to be more like Him, and serving in a local body of His family.